install and use eigen3 on ubuntu 16.04



sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev

install to /usr/include/eigen3/ and /usr/lib/cmake/eigen3

ll /usr/lib/cmake/eigen3


#                                               -*- cmake -*-
#  Eigen3Config.cmake(.in)

# Use the following variables to compile and link against Eigen:
#  EIGEN3_FOUND              - True if Eigen was found on your system
#  EIGEN3_USE_FILE           - The file making Eigen usable
#  EIGEN3_DEFINITIONS        - Definitions needed to build with Eigen
#  EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR        - Directory where signature_of_eigen3_matrix_library can be found
#  EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIRS       - List of directories of Eigen and it's dependencies
#  EIGEN3_ROOT_DIR           - The base directory of Eigen
#  EIGEN3_VERSION_STRING     - A human-readable string containing the version
#  EIGEN3_VERSION_MAJOR      - The major version of Eigen
#  EIGEN3_VERSION_MINOR      - The minor version of Eigen
#  EIGEN3_VERSION_PATCH      - The patch version of Eigen

set ( EIGEN3_FOUND 1 )
set ( EIGEN3_USE_FILE     "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseEigen3.cmake" )

set ( EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR  "/usr/include/eigen3" )
set ( EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/include/eigen3" )
set ( EIGEN3_ROOT_DIR     "/usr" )

set ( EIGEN3_VERSION_STRING "3.2.92" )
set ( EIGEN3_VERSION_PATCH  "92" )


# -*- cmake -*-
#  UseEigen3.cmake

add_definitions     ( ${EIGEN3_DEFINITIONS} )
include_directories ( ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIRS} )


typedef Matrix< std::complex<double> , 2 , 2 > Eigen::Matrix2cd
typedef Matrix< std::complex<float> , 2 , 2 > Eigen::Matrix2cf
typedef Matrix< double , 2 , 2 > Eigen::Matrix2d
typedef Matrix< float , 2 , 2 > Eigen::Matrix2f
typedef Matrix< int , 2 , 2 > Eigen::Matrix2i
typedef Matrix< std::complex<double> , 2 , Dynamic> Eigen::Matrix2Xcd
typedef Matrix< std::complex<float> , 2 , Dynamic> Eigen::Matrix2Xcf
typedef Matrix< double , 2 , Dynamic> Eigen::Matrix2Xd
typedef Matrix< float , 2 , Dynamic> Eigen::Matrix2Xf
typedef Matrix< int , 2 , Dynamic> Eigen::Matrix2Xi
typedef Matrix< std::complex<double> , 3 , 3 > Eigen::Matrix3cd
transpose  转置
conjugate  共轭
adjoint    伴随



cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
# EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/include/eigen3


add_executable(main test.cpp)

No need to link libraries for eigen3.

c++ code

#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;

void test0()
    MatrixXd m(2,2);
    m(0,0) = 3;
    m(1,0) = 2.5;
    m(0,1) = -1;
    m(1,1) = m(1,0) + m(0,1);
    cout << "Here is the matrix m:\n" << m << endl;

    VectorXd v(2);
    v(0) = 4;
    v(1) = v(0) - 1;
    cout << "Here is the vector v:\n" << v << endl;

    Matrix3f m2;
    m2 << 1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6,
        7, 8, 9;
    cout << m2 << endl;

void test1()
    // stats
    Eigen::Matrix2d mat;
    mat << 1, 2,
            3, 4;
    cout << "Here is mat.sum():       " << mat.sum()       << endl;
    cout << "Here is      " <<      << endl;
    cout << "Here is mat.mean():      " << mat.mean()      << endl;
    cout << "Here is mat.minCoeff():  " << mat.minCoeff()  << endl; // min value = 1
    cout << "Here is mat.maxCoeff():  " << mat.maxCoeff()  << endl; // max value = 4
    cout << "Here is mat.trace():     " << mat.trace()     << endl; // 

Here is mat.sum():       10
Here is      24
Here is mat.mean():      2.5
Here is mat.minCoeff():  1
Here is mat.maxCoeff():  4
Here is mat.trace():     5

void test2()
    // l1-norm = |v1|+|v2|+...|vn|
    // l2-norm = v1*v1 + v2**vn     squareNorm(), Norm()
    //  lpNorm< p >():  lpNorm< 1 >()   lpNorm< 2 >()

    VectorXf v(2);
    MatrixXf m(2,2), n(2,2);

    v << -1,

    m << 1,-2,
    cout << "v.squaredNorm() = " << v.squaredNorm() << endl;
    cout << "v.norm() = " << v.norm() << endl;
    cout << "v.lpNorm<1>() = " << v.lpNorm<1>() << endl;
    cout << "v.lpNorm<Infinity>() = " << v.lpNorm<Infinity>() << endl; // max value
    cout << endl;
    cout << "m.squaredNorm() = " << m.squaredNorm() << endl;
    cout << "m.norm() = " << m.norm() << endl;
    cout << "m.lpNorm<1>() = " << m.lpNorm<1>() << endl;
    cout << "m.lpNorm<Infinity>() = " << m.lpNorm<Infinity>() << endl;  // max value

    n << 1,-2,
    cout << "1-norm(n)     = " << n.cwiseAbs().colwise().sum().maxCoeff()
        << " == "             << n.colwise().lpNorm<1>().maxCoeff() << endl;
    cout << "infty-norm(n) = " << n.cwiseAbs().rowwise().sum().maxCoeff()
        << " == "             << n.rowwise().lpNorm<1>().maxCoeff() << endl;
v.squaredNorm() = 5
v.norm() = 2.23607
v.lpNorm<1>() = 3
v.lpNorm<Infinity>() = 2

m.squaredNorm() = 30
m.norm() = 5.47723
m.lpNorm<1>() = 10
m.lpNorm<Infinity>() = 4

1-norm(n)     = 6 == 6
infty-norm(n) = 7 == 7

void test3()
    // bool
    ArrayXXf a(2,2);

    a << 1,2,
    cout << "(a > 0).all()   = " << (a > 0).all() << endl; // bool 
    cout << "(a > 0).any()   = " << (a > 0).any() << endl; // bool
    cout << "(a > 0).count() = " << (a > 0).count() << endl; // int
    cout << endl;
    cout << "(a > 2).all()   = " << (a > 2).all() << endl;
    cout << "(a > 2).any()   = " << (a > 2).any() << endl;
    cout << "(a > 2).count() = " << (a > 2).count() << endl;
(a > 0).all()   = 1
(a > 0).any()   = 1
(a > 0).count() = 4

(a > 2).all()   = 0
(a > 2).any()   = 1
(a > 2).count() = 2

void test4()
    // get min/max index
    Eigen::MatrixXf m(2,2);

    m << 1, 2,
        3, 4;

    //get location of maximum
    MatrixXf::Index maxRow, maxCol;
    float max = m.maxCoeff(&maxRow, &maxCol);

    //get location of minimum
    MatrixXf::Index minRow, minCol;
    float min = m.minCoeff(&minRow, &minCol);

    cout << "Max: " << max <<  ", at: " << maxRow << "," << maxCol << endl;
    cout << "Min: " << min <<  ", at: " << minRow << "," << minCol << endl;
Max: 4, at: 1,1
Min: 1, at: 0,0

void test5()
    // colwise rowwise
    Eigen::MatrixXf mat(2,4);
    mat << 1, 2, 6, 9,
            3, 1, 7, 2;

    std::cout << "Column's maximum: " << std::endl
    << mat.colwise().maxCoeff() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Row's maximum: " << std::endl
    << mat.rowwise().maxCoeff() << std::endl;
Column's maximum: 
3 2 7 9
Row's maximum: 

void test6()
    // colwise + max/min
    MatrixXf mat(2,4);
    mat << 1, 2, 6, 9,
            3, 1, 7, 2;

    MatrixXf::Index   maxIndex;
    float maxSum = mat.colwise().sum().maxCoeff(&maxIndex);

    std::cout << "Maximum sum at position " << maxIndex << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The corresponding vector is: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << mat.col( maxIndex ) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "And its sum is is: " << maxSum << std::endl;
Maximum sum at position 2
The corresponding vector is: 
And its sum is is: 13

void test7()
    // broadcast with vector
    Eigen::MatrixXf mat(2,4);
    Eigen::VectorXf v(2);

    mat << 1, 2, 6, 9,
            3, 1, 7, 2;

    v << 0,

    //add v to each column of m
    mat.colwise() += v;
    //mat += v; // ERROR

    std::cout << "Broadcasting result: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << mat << std::endl;
Broadcasting result: 
1 2 6 9
4 2 8 3

void test8()
    Eigen::MatrixXf m(2,4);
    Eigen::VectorXf v(2);

    m << 1, 23, 6, 9,
        3, 11, 7, 2;

    v << 2,
    MatrixXf::Index index;
    // find nearest neighbour
    (m.colwise() - v).colwise().squaredNorm().minCoeff(&index);
    cout << "Nearest neighbour is column " << index << ":" << endl;
    cout << m.col(index) << endl;
Nearest neighbour is column 0:

void test_eigen3()



  • 20190315: created.

Author: kezunlin
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